100% Juice Pineapple Lolly

Del Monte Europe Juice Gold Pineapple Lolly

Del Monte® uses nothing but the finest fruits and juices to create a product range that is both low in fat and in calories.

Del Monte® 100% Juice Pineapple Lolly is a healthy delicious ice refreshment made with 100% Del Monte Gold® Extra Sweet Pineapple fruit juice, containing only 65 calories per lolly.

*May contain traces of milk

100% Juice Orange Lolly Fruitini
Nutrition Facts (per portion : 100 g):
Ενέργεια 87 kcal 4,4%
Λιπαρά 0 g 0%
εκ των οποίων κορεσμένα 0 g 0%
Υδατάνθρακες 20,7 g 9%
εκ των οποίων σάκχαρα 20,7 g 23%
Πρωτεΐνες 0,8 g 1,8%
Αλάτι 0 g 0%
Βιταμίνη C n/a n/a